Professor Mike Murphy
Chairperson, Board of HEAnet and Professor Emeritus at Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin).
Professor Murphy holds MEng and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from Stevens Institute in the United States. He holds a HDip in electrical engineering from Dublin Institute of Technology, and a BSc (Eng) Honors Degree from Trinity College Dublin. Over his 20 years in TU Dublin, he has held a variety of senior management roles.
Professor Mike Murphy has served on the HEAnet Board since September 2017 and appointed to Board Chairperson in April 2023. In his previous senior management roles, Professor Murphy was Programme Coordinator for the initiative that led to the successful establishment of TU Dublin, Ireland’s first designated technological university. He has worked as the Academic Registrar and Director of Academic Affairs, Digital and Learning Transformation at the University, with responsibilities that included academic quality assurance, learning and teaching library services, ICT services and the development of a digital campus. Professor Murphy’s roles also included Faculty Director of Engineering, and Director and Dean of the College of Engineering and Built Environment.
In 2022 Professor Murphy was interim national coordinator for the €40 million NTUTORR national initiative to transform teaching and learning across the technological university sector in Ireland, a project funded by the European Commission through Ireland’s National Recovery and Resilience Programme.
Professor Murphy commenced his industry career in the United States with AT&T Bell Labs and subsequently spent more than twelve years with Bell Communications Research (Bellcore). He has extensive board experience and has served on several boards including the Boards of EduCampus Services, the Central Applications Office, the European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), and as Chair of the European Engineering Deans Council. He was President of SEFI from 2017 to 2019, and successfully elected as a SEFI Fellow, and a Fellow of Engineers Ireland.