eduMEET Video Conferencing

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This product is part of the GÉANT services portfolio available to HEAnet, its member institutes and consumers of its services.


eduMEET has been developed by the Research and Education community for the community. Offering a low-cost, easy-to-use video conferencing service for small to medium sized groups.

More Detailed Information

The set of services of this low-cost, open and easy-to-use web-conferencing platform include:

  • WebRTC video conferencing service for small to medium sized groups.
  • Distributed STUN/TURN infrastructure to overcome firewall and NAT obstacles.
  • Monitoring, statistics and testing modules to assess the performance of the aforementioned components.

There is no centrally accessible operational eduMEET service maintained by GÉANT, however a demonstration service is provided ‘as is’ without warranty, to allow interested organisations to easily evaluate the suitability of eduMEET for their needs. Organisations wishing to use eduMEET must download and deploy their own instance.

Learn more about eduMEET and trial the service here.

To install eduMEET for free, read the instructions here or download the User Manual.