Welcome to the first edition of the refreshed HEAnet Newsletter. We’re delighted to bring it back after a long break. As something new begins, something else ends… below are a few goodbye words from our CEO, Kerrie Power.
We hope that you will find this newsletter useful and interesting, any comments/questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch at pr@newsletter.heanet.ie.
On behalf of the HEAnet team,
Barbara Carroll
PR & Marketing Coordinator
Farewell from Kerrie Power, HEAnet’s CEO
Dear all,
My journey with HEAnet is coming to an end. I’m finishing up today and Ronan Byrne, who you know very well, will take over as Interim CEO.
I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of our clients and contacts for your support. You made the last four years enjoyable and I hope we cross paths again.
I believe HEAnet’s brightest and most successful days are ahead of it and I look forward to watching its continuous success in the future.
Very best wishes,
eduroam Everywhere
One of HEAnet’s goals is to reduce the digital divide and give every student equal access to the resources they need. Our ambition is to make the eduroam Wi-Fi service available in as many locations as possible – this is why we started the eduroam Everywhere project. The objective is to help students participating in their courses from home as a result of Covid-19 with many of them struggling due to lack of suitable broadband.
We are keen to work with any organisations that wish to include their public Wi-Fi in the eduroam service. If you know anyone that could be interested, please let us know eduroameverywhere@heanet.ie.
Here are some recent news stories about eduroam Everywhere:
New service available to HEAnet Clients – Layer 3 VPN (L3VPN)
We are determined to continuously improve security and keep our clients safe which is why we’ve introduced L3VPN as a new service in our portfolio to provide our clients with safe, secure, private local and international connectivity. Read more
Wild Atlantic Way Challenge
As part of our commitment to our staff’s well-being, we’ve encouraged our employees to sign up for the Croí Heart & Stroke Couch to Wild Atlantic Way challenge. A group of HEAnet and EduCampus staff are now walking/running/cycling to support Croí’s mission to prevent disease, save lives and promote recovery & wellbeing. Click here if you would like to see our progress and support Croí.
HEAnet Store
Brought to you on behalf of the education and research community, the HEAnet Store provides a wide range of educational discounts on ICT hardware, software and other services for students, staff and researchers. If you have any questions about our store, please contact brokerage@heanet.ie. See all offers
2020 IaaS+ Framework
The 2020 IaaS+ Framework gives the research and education community a unique opportunity to access commercial cloud services which will aid in accelerating cloud adoption across Europe. The framework offers access to volume discounts and will make cross-border and interdisciplinary collaborations easier than ever.
HEAnet clients and framework platform providers are actively engaging on the delivery of services, and webinars are underway to help cloud adoption in the community.
For more information please contact brokerage@heanet.ie.
Ransomware attacks affecting the Irish Higher Education Sector
Ransomware attacks on Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) across the world have been increasing recently. For some colleges and universities, this has been devastating. Recently some HEAnet members were victims of such attacks. Read more
We’ve introduced the new green public procurement initiative in line with the DPER recommendations
We believe that no matter how big or small an organisation is, we can all help to create a more sustainable future which is why we’ve introduced a set of green public procurement criteria for all of their tenders. Read more
Research Engagement at HEAnet
Since Nov 2020 we have a dedicated resource for Research Engagement, Roberto Sabatino, who many of you already met virtually. We aim to increase awareness of various opportunities that HEAnet has to offer to researchers. So far we’ve collaborated on organising webinars for researchers with UCC and CONNECT, we’ve also organised a webinar for Earth Science researchers together with ICHEC. More events are being planned and if you would like to organise a webinar for researchers in your institution please contact roberto.sabatino@heanet.ie.