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Issue 4 October 2019
We hope you can join us at our HEAnet National Conference 2019 in The Galmont, Galway next week, Wednesday 13th to Friday 15th November):
RegistrationWe have options for full/part/day delegates (single or group), speakers, sponsors and our new discounted day rate for students.
Programme Click on talk titles or speaker names for biogs and abstracts.
Exhibition area 27 vendors showcasing their latest technology, products and services.
Our CEO Kerrie Power speaks to the GÉANT Connect Magazine, about her vision for the future of HEAnet and its role in the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC).
Building the next generation of the GÉANT Network (Following on from the "Networks of Future Past" article in our July Issue)
Ronan Byrne, HEAnet's Chief Strategy Officer has been appointed Community Chair of the NIAC (Network Infrastructure Advisory Committee) for an EC funded project to restructure the GÉANT backbone network - future-proofing capacity to support planned and anticipated growth in demand across Europe.