
Niall Wilson - Irish Centre for High-End Computing


Date: Thu November 7, 2024
Time: 15:45
Room: B

IRLDAT: from Pilot to a Service Definition - Niall Wilson, ICHEC

In 2023 we illustrated the plans and the developments to date of the IRLDAT project, a shared storage service for active research data. The project is funded by the HEA within the National Action Plan for Open Research programme, developed by NORF (National Open Research Forum).

In this session we will elaborate on the final service definition for a national scale production service, drawing from the experience of the pilot and from the experiences of other NRENs in Europe who have been offering similar services for many years now.

IRLDAT is a proposed service targeted at researchers who need to share data across institutes for the active phase of the research data lifecycle.

It is based on nextcloud and the B2Drop service from EUDAT, with the possibility of seamless integration with the other research data management services offered by EUDAT.

In the presentation we will include a financial analysis of the options considered and the recommended way forward towards implementing the service.