Ms Allison Kavanagh
Consortium of National and University Libraries
Allison Kavanagh is Head of Library Services at Technological University Dublin (TU Dublin).
She has led TU Dublin Library Services through significant organisational and technological change, bringing together separate library services on each of TU Dublin’s campuses to form a fully integrated multi-campus library service with unified systems while also undertaking two interrelated library building projects.
Allison joined DIT (now TU Dublin) in 2004 having previously worked at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business Library. She is also a qualified taxation consultant and previously worked at management level in international corporate tax consulting with KPMG’s Silicon Valley office following a number of taxation consulting positions in Ireland.
Allison is Chair of the Irish University Association’s Librarians’ Group and a member of the Irish Research eLibrary (IReL) consortium’s Governance Committee. She is Chair of the Library Association of Ireland’s Professional Standards Committee and is a board member and former Chair of the Consortium of National and University Libraries (CONUL).