HEAnet Research Webinar for Researchers in Earth Sciences

Home > Workshops > MS Teams (link to follow) > HEAnet Research Webinar for Researchers in Earth Sciences

Venue : MS Teams (link to follow)
Date(s) : 14th April 2021
Start Time : 14:00
Ends : 16:00
Registration : Closed
Enquiries : jill.mulhern@heanet.ie

HEAnet has partnered with ICHEC to create a Webinar for Researchers in Earth Sciences.

HEAnet is Ireland’s National Education and Research Network. We deliver high-speed internet connectivity and IT shared services to all levels of the Irish education sector. The Irish Centre for High-End Computing is the national provider of high-performance computing to the HEI sector.

A number of research centres around the country are connected to HEAnet Network – giving them access to high-speed resilient connectivity network. Additionally, these research centres can avail of HEAnet services that are particularly relevant to their academic research. Learn more about it here.

In the last 15 years, The Irish Centre for High End Computing (ICHEC) has provided High Performance Computing (HPC) resources and in-depth technical support to Irish researchers across all HEIs. This has enabled a diverse range of advanced research which is illustrated by the numerous publications in high-impact journals (including, Nature, Science, etc.) acknowledging ICHEC’s HPC and human resources. Learn more about ICHEC here.

Here is what you can learn and gain from this Webinar:

  • Support in the preparation of research proposals and their execution, general consultancy (learn how to get €100,000, and more, for your Research Project).
  • Support in the implementation of thematic research infrastructures and testbeds.
  • Opportunities to support your journey towards Open Science, via international initiatives.
  • Relevant to you, off-the-shelf services that HEAnet and ICHEC offer.
  • Available to you, earth observation data from satellites.


14:00 Welcome & Intro – Roberto Sabatino (HEAnet)
14:05 HEAnet Research Engagement – Roberto Sabatino (HEAnet)
14:40 RELIANCE (Research Life Cycle Management for Earth Sciences in EOSC) – Federica Foglini
14:55 Q&A
15:00 ICHEC Support for Earth Sciences - Goar Sanchez & Alastair McKinstry (ICHEC)
15:20 Q&A
15:25 EUMETCast Data Distribution: Status & Developments – Federico Fierli
15:40 Copernicus & the Geolab – Chris Atheron (GEANT)
15:55 Q&A and close

Please Note:

  • The workshop will be conducted online via MS Teams - a link will be sent to registered attendees, closer to the event.
  • Registration is limited to HEAnet members and ICHEC users.